Address Standardization


The address standardization problem arises from the inconsistencies and variations in the way addresses are written or recorded.

Common issues in address data include:

Abbreviations and Spelling Variations

Street names, city names, and other components may be abbreviated or misspelled differently.

Format Variations

Addresses might be written in various formats, making it challenging to extract consistent information.

Missing Information

Some addresses may lack necessary details, like postal codes or unit numbers, leading to incomplete or inaccurate data.

Incorrect Information

Address may be incorrect or fake in case of fraudulent activities.

Synonyms and Aliases: Different terms may refer to the same location , leading to ambiguity.

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Parsing or Tokenization

Break down the address into its individual components - Building Num/Plot Num, Street Name, City, State, and Postal Code.


Standardize abbreviations, expand acronyms, and correct common misspellings.


Verify the accuracy of the address against a reference dataset or geocoding service.


Assign geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) to addresses.

Deployment and Monitoring

Deployment for future predictions. Continuously monitor model performance and retrain periodically with updated data to improve accuracy.

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